Updated on December 5, 2023

Unmask Error messages

unmask api error messages: error_code: 500

  1. if payload length is empty
    sample input:{“unmask”:[{}]}
    { “data”: null, “success”: false, “error”: { “message”: “Payload is empty” }}
  2. if ‘unmask’ key not in payload
    sample input:[{“token_value”:”2333″}]}
    error response: { “data”: null, “success”: false,”error”: { “message”: “unmask data missing”}}
  3. if ‘token_value’ not in unmask payload
    sample input:{“unmask”:[{“token_value”:” “}]}
    error response:{“data”: null, “success”: false, “error”: {“message”: “Missing token value field “}}
  4. if ‘token_value’ field is empty
    sample input:{“unmask”:[{“2333”}]}
    error response:{“data”: null, “success”: false, “error”: {“message”: “Missing token value”}}
  5. if unmasking failed
    error response:{“data”: null, “success”: false, “error”: { “message”: “Unmasking of given token values failed.” }}
    Authentication error messages : error_code: 401

Note: To send a request with the authentication token, include the following in headers:

Headers: {“Authorization”: “Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>”}

  1. If the auth token is not there in the authorization headers
    { "detail": "To access Protecto, a valid license is required. Please create an account to execute the code"}


    {"detail": "Your license is currently being generated. Please wait for a moment before running the code."}
  2. if the auth token is expired
    { "detail": "Protecto's license has expired. To execute the code, please contact help@protecto.ai."}
  3. if no Authorization header
    { "detail": "Access token has expired or is not yet valid."}


    { "detail": "Not authenticated"}
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