Updated on May 6, 2024

Mask Async

The asynchronous masking technique assists in concealing large volumes of data.

Utilizing this method enables you to submit a mask request and receive a tracking ID. The tracking ID can then be employed to retrieve the status of the submitted request.

Endpoint and Authentication:

To use Protecto.ai’s token-based masking, you need to send a PUT request to the following endpoint:

Endpoint: https://trial.protecto.ai/api/vault/mask/async

For authentication, include the following token in the request headers:

Headers: {“Authorization”: “Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>”}

Request Payload:

Here’s an example of a request payload

Request Payload:

{"mask": [{"value": "Haley is in Australia"}]}


Upon successful masking, you will receive a response with the masked data with tracking id . Here’s an example of a response:

If the status is Pending, try again after a few minutes to see if the data has been processed(Success)


  "data": [
      "tracking_id": "9f799cb6-5315-4199-8d47-3a7ced21dd1d29042024113301",
      "status": "PENDING"
  "success": true,
  "error": {
    "message": ""
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