1. Payload Length Error #
Sample Input: {"mask": [ ]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": {"message": "Payload is empty"}}
When the payload length is empty, your application should respond with an appropriate error message indicating that the payload is empty.
2. Missing ‘mask’ Key in Payload #
Sample Input: [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "Numeric Token"}]
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": {"message": "mask data missing"}}
In case the ‘mask’ key is missing in the payload, your application should generate an error response stating that the required ‘mask’ data is missing.
3. Missing ‘value’ in Input #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "","token_name": "Numeric Token"}]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": { "message": "Missing value"}}
When the ‘value’ field is not provided in the input, your application should respond by indicating that the value is missing.
4. Missing ‘token_name’ in Input #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": ""}]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": { "message": "Missing token_name"}}
If the ‘token_name’ field is empty or not provided, your application should generate an error message stating that the ‘token_name’ is missing.
5. Invalid ‘token_name’ #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "dfdfd"}]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": {"message": "token_name not defined: {<INVALID_TOKEN_NAME>}"}}
When an invalid or nonexistent ‘token_name’ is provided, your application should return an error message specifying that the token_name is not defined.
6. Missing ‘format’ in Input #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "Numeric Token","format":""}]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false, "error": { "message": "Missing format"}}
If the ‘format’ field is empty or not provided, your application should generate an error message indicating that the ‘format’ is missing.
7. Invalid ‘format’ #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "Numeric Token","format":"fdfdf"}]}
Error Response: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": { "message": "format name not defined: {<INVALID_FORMAT_NAME>}}}
When an invalid or nonexistent ‘format’ is provided, your application should return an error message specifying that the format name is not defined.
8. Missing Metadata for Masking #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "dd","format":"fdfdf"}]}
Error Response: {"data": null, "success": false, "error": {"message": "Token and Format Metadata not available"}}
If essential metadata for masking is missing, your application should respond with an error message indicating that both token and format metadata are required.
9. Subscription Exhausted #
Sample Input: {"mask": [{ "value": "George Williams","token_name": "Numeric Token","format":"Person Name "}]}
Error Response: {"data": null, "success": false, "error": { "message": "You have exceeded the maximum number of token creation limit for your trial subscription. To upgrade your subscription, please contact help@protecto.ai."}}
When a user’s subscription is exhausted, your application should notify them with a message that they have exceeded their token creation limit and provide information on how to upgrade their subscription.
10. Masked Data Length Exceeded #
Sample Input: {"data": null,"success": false,"error": {"message": "Masked data exceeds the approved limit of 600 characters. Please split the input value and try again." }}
If the masked data exceeds the approved character limit, your application should generate an error message advising the user to split the input value and try again.
11. Masking Operation Failure #
Sample Input: {"data": null,"success": false, "error": {"message": "Masking failed after 3 retries"}}
When the masking operation fails after a specific number of retries, your application should return an error message indicating that the masking process has failed.