Aug 2022 #
New Features: #
Vault: #
- Realtime Mask API:
- This real-time API generates masking tokens for sensitive data to safeguard privacy. It ensures that confidential information remains protected while allowing for secure data usage.
- Entropy-Based Tokenization:
- Entropy-based tokenization is a data protection technique that replaces sensitive information with unique tokens generated through machine entropy, ensuring maximum security and minimizing risk in a data breach.
- Format-Preserving Masking:
- Ensures that generated masking tokens maintain the integrity of format and data type (e.g., phone numbers, dates) for reliable downstream analysis and reduced data noise.
- Consistent Masking:
- Guarantees the consistent masking of the same PII entities across different sources, maintaining data integrity and relationships.
- Realtime UnMask API:
- This real-time API enables the unmasking of previously masked data.
- Privacy Vault:
- Securely stores and manages sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) along with its corresponding tokens using a zero-trust framework, enhancing overall security.
Scan: #
- PII Scan:
- Scans structured and unstructured data to identify PII details.
- PII Entities Include: Person, Address, Email, Credit Card, SSN, US and UK Phone numbers.